Our Healthy Living project, very kindly sponsored by Medtronic Foundation
Week 1, Planting our school garden under the advice and help of Kay Synott, April 13th, 2010.Week 2, More planting and watering with Kay. Some of our seeds are coming up. Fantastic presentation from Brendan Smith all about healthy living.
Week 3, Making a human Food PyramidWeek 3, Food Art
Week 4, Tasting fruits and vegetables
Week 4, Printing faces with fruits and vegetablesWeek 5, Gardening and watching our plants grow
Week 6, Gardening
Week 6, Creatures in our class
Week 6, Wishing tree and more food art
Week 7, Mini beast hunt
Week 8 Sheep's heart dissection
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Videos (photostory 3) for our Healthy Living project
Videos: Planting our school garden
Thanks to Medtronic Foundation for their generous sponsorship of this project!
Week One, April 13th, 2010
Week Two, April 20th, 2010
Week Three, April 28th, 2010 Human food pyramid
Week Three, April 28th, 2010 Food art
Week Four, May 5th, 2010 Tasting fruit and vegetables, printing with food
Week Five, May 11th, 2010 Gardening & watching our plants grow
Week 6, May 18th, 2010 Gardening
Week 6, May 18th, 2010 Little creatures in our garden
Week 6, May 18th & 19th, 2010 Wishing tree and other food art
Week 7, May 24th, 2010 Mini Beast Hunt
Week 8, May 31st, 2010 Sheep's heart dissection
Thanks to Medtronic Foundation for their generous sponsorship of this project!
Week One, April 13th, 2010
Week Two, April 20th, 2010
Week Three, April 28th, 2010 Human food pyramid
Week Three, April 28th, 2010 Food art
Week Four, May 5th, 2010 Tasting fruit and vegetables, printing with food
Week Five, May 11th, 2010 Gardening & watching our plants grow
Week 6, May 18th, 2010 Gardening
Week 6, May 18th, 2010 Little creatures in our garden
Week 6, May 18th & 19th, 2010 Wishing tree and other food art
Week 7, May 24th, 2010 Mini Beast Hunt
Week 8, May 31st, 2010 Sheep's heart dissection
Planting a school garden, Week 1
Scoil Chaitríona Junior are thrilled to be included in this year's Medtronic Healthy Living project. Thanks to the Medtronic Foundation in Galway, we are being funded, advised on and helped with the building and planting of our own school garden. The work began in earnest today with our first planting session.
Kay Synott has come to be our advisor. She had a meeting with Brendan Smith (who will help us learn about foods that are good for us, and how to keep ourselves and our hearts healthy) and our teacher. They have chosen a good spot for our garden - in the front of the school, in a lovely sunny spot.
When Kay arrived today she had a chat with our class and Mrs. Newell's class about which fruits and vegetables we should plant and why? We decided not to plant bananas or oranges since they don't grow well in Ireland! We can't plant crisps or chips but if we plant potatoes we hope we can make our own crisps and/or chips.
We helped Kay prepare the raised boxes. We did the smoothing of the compost, making seed drills, planting the seeds, writing the labels, fetching water from the water butt, and watering the seeds. All the while we talked about what seeds need to grow (air, warmth and water), what is counted as a weed (any plant that is growing where it shouldn't be) and how to look after the seeds we planted. We know we should eat 5 portions of fruit and vegetables a day. We can't wait to try tasting the ones we planted.
Today we planted potatoes, sunflowers, onions, scallions, carrots and nasturtiums. Next Tuesday we will plant strawberries, spinach and peas. We just love gardening. Thanks Kay and Medtronic!!

Kay Synott has come to be our advisor. She had a meeting with Brendan Smith (who will help us learn about foods that are good for us, and how to keep ourselves and our hearts healthy) and our teacher. They have chosen a good spot for our garden - in the front of the school, in a lovely sunny spot.
When Kay arrived today she had a chat with our class and Mrs. Newell's class about which fruits and vegetables we should plant and why? We decided not to plant bananas or oranges since they don't grow well in Ireland! We can't plant crisps or chips but if we plant potatoes we hope we can make our own crisps and/or chips.
We helped Kay prepare the raised boxes. We did the smoothing of the compost, making seed drills, planting the seeds, writing the labels, fetching water from the water butt, and watering the seeds. All the while we talked about what seeds need to grow (air, warmth and water), what is counted as a weed (any plant that is growing where it shouldn't be) and how to look after the seeds we planted. We know we should eat 5 portions of fruit and vegetables a day. We can't wait to try tasting the ones we planted.
Today we planted potatoes, sunflowers, onions, scallions, carrots and nasturtiums. Next Tuesday we will plant strawberries, spinach and peas. We just love gardening. Thanks Kay and Medtronic!!

Planting potatoes, Week 1
Thursday, April 15th, 2010
We had some potatoes left over from our garden planting on Tuesday, so today we planted just 3 potatoes in an empty compost bag. We planted them in compost and we watered them well. We hope they will grow, and give us a bag full of potatoes.
Mrs. Treacy's class and Mrs. Newell's class planted 3 potatoes each too. We wonder who will have the best potato crop in a few months time?
Healthy Living presentation, Week 2
Tuesday, April 20th, 2010
Well done to Brendan
for a super super presentation, and for all the really interesting slides and photos you showed us, and the interesting things you told us. We will try to eat healthy food, exercise in a healthy way, keep everywhere clean and litter free and look after ourselves and our planet as best we can. Here is a picture of him taking a photo of our school garden. Wait till he sees it next time!
Thanks to Medtronic Foundation in Galway, our school has been chosen to participate in the "Medtronic Healthy Living project 2010". This means that Medtronic have very kindly sponsored our school in building a school garden,
under the excellent guidance of Ms. Kay Synott,
and in inviting Mr. Brendan Smith of DERI to visit our school to tell us all about how to live in a healthy way.
Today, Brendan and Kay came to visit the Senior Infant classes. While Kay continued to plant the school garden with children from Ms. McLoughlin's and Mrs. Newell's classes, Brendan had a fascinating presentation for the children in Ms. Flannery's, Mrs. Treacy's, Mrs. Geraghty's, Ms. Gilligan's, Ms. Flaherty's, Mrs. Newell's and Ms. McLoughlin's classes. We learned such a lot in a very interesting way.
Here are some of the very interesting things we learned from Brendan:
- all living things need energy - we get energy from food and from the air around us
- all trees have lots of animal, insect and fungi life around them - the oak tree has up to 450 types of animal and plant life living with it
- that we breathe in Oxygen (O2) and breathe out Carbon Dioxide (CO2), plants and trees do the opposite - they breathe in CO2 and breathe out O2. We need lots of trees and plants around us so that we have plenty of clean Oxygen to breathe
- If there is too much CO2 we get the greenhouse effect - the heat on our planet gets trapped and this keeps our planet too warm, causing ice to melt, which is a huge problem for the dwindling numbers (20,000) of polar bears left on this planet
- We cut down on CO2 emessions by planting trees. Trees are often cut down for wood (desks, houses etc) or so food can be grown on land. We need to plant more and look after the trees we have on this planet
- Our organs - heart, lungs, digestive system, circulatory system (all explained with really interesting and easy to follow diagrams). Did you know that * if you joined all your blood vessels together they would wrap round the earth 4 times? * adults have 10 litres of blood in their bodies *your heart is the same size as your fist * it takes 24 hours to digest your food
- We learned about the food pyramid, and saw pictures of what would happen if you ate too much of the wrong foods, too little food, no food at all, too much food
- We learned about fish oils, the life cycle of the salmon, the legend of Fionn and the Salmon of Knowledge
- We learned about vitamins and water (70% of our bodies are made of water)
- That most pirates were ugly, because all their teeth were rotten and fell out because they had a disease called Scurvy which they got because they didn't eat any Vitamin C (the vitamin you get in Citrus fruits like oranges, lemons and limes)
- Dangers of pollution to fish and turtles
- How to prevent pollution and to clean up litter
- How we will be able to eat food from our garden that will give us lots of vitamins and keep us healthy. What exactly an "organic garden" is - no artificial fertiliser or pest or weed killers
Well done to Brendan
Human food pyramid, Week 3
Monday, 26th April, 2010
We have been talking about the food pyramid, which are the foods that are good or bad for us, and how many of each food group we should eat daily. Today we made a human food pyramid. We played a game of identifying a food, then putting it where it should be, on the food pyramid. We found this quite challenging.
Wishing Tree, Week 6
As part of our Medtronic Foundation "Healthy Living Project" we have had 4 superb gardening sessions with Kay Synott. Today was her last day with us. Together we made a "wishing tree" - a branch of a tree, to which we tied pictures that we coloured ourselves, of things in the garden, vegetables, insects, bugs, animals and plants. As we tied each picture, we made a wish for the garden. With so many good wishes, our garden should do very well indeed!

Garden Creatures update, Week 7
Tuesday, May 25th, 2010

John (Cathal's grandad) brought us in some fine, healthy looking worms which we added to our wormery.
We will be able to see lots of new tunnels through the sand and soil layers by tomorrow.
We made some fabulous insect collages - We coloured, cut out and stuck on mini beasts and garden creatures, cut and stuck on ponds, rivers, lakes, grass and bushes. In nature you can find lots of bugs, insects, mini beasts and small animals near grass, bushes and water. Our pictures show some of the mini beasts you can find if you look carefully enough!
We now have 4 cocoons and only one caterpillar (and he is hanging from the top of the jar, so he is likely to be in his cocoon by tomorrow).
Our tadpoles have back legs.
Wednesday, 27th May 2010
All our caterpillars are in their cocoons. We transferred them to the

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